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I want to become a member of the Prince of Peace Christian Community Church & Healing Center.

serve in a ministry

I want my ministry gifts to be discovered, developed, and deployed for service in God’s kingdom.

Make a Donation

I wish to honor God with my tithes/offering and/or plant a seed offering into the Prince of Peace Community Church ministry.


Our Programs

Sunday Services

Join us for awesome worship, powerful preaching & teaching, and loving fellowship every Sunday morning @ 9:00 a.m. We worship virtually on the 1st and 3rd Sundays via YouTube. We worship in-person and virtually on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of the month. Our prayer is that you will leave better than when you came.

Intercessory Prayer Call

Join us every Wednesday morning @ 10am for our mighty, impactful, and effective prayer call. Our prayer warriors, including our pastor, not only pray for the church community, but also any name or issue that we receive. We have heard testimonies about how God has answered many of our petitions. You can join us at the following conference call number: (605) 313-6051. The password is 135904.


M.E.C.C.A. stands for Married, Engaged, and Committed Couples Alliance. We believe that strong marriages lead to strong families. Strong families lead to strong communities. Strong communities can impact the world for God. Our M.E.C.C.A. ministry meets every other month where couples are taught godly principles about marriage and relationships while enjoying food, fun, and fellowship.

Bible Study

We are encouraged to “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”. (2 Peter 3:18) Join us for our “Investigating Scripture” Bible Study held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. We are currently meeting virtually via

P.O.P. community outreach

As a community church, it is our mission to leave the four walls of the church building and minister to the communities where we have influence. Whether it is feeding the community with both spiritual and physical food, providing counseling to discouraged people, or partnering with local schools, we are committed to making a difference in our local communities.


Our Impact

In fulfilling the mandate of the Great Commission, we are committed to making disciples locally, nationally, and internationally. Our philosophy is to begin making disciples within our own marriages and families, and then extending through our natural spheres of influence. Our healing center is designed to help both saint and sinner to experience the healing ministry of God in a real and tangible way. Our healing ministry is undergirded by healthy (sound) doctrine. We believe that the more healthy a disciple is, the more impactful he/she will be.